What is SUCCESS in Life? A Comprehensive Study on success
In life, from the very first moment, we open our eyes in this world till the very end, most of us, doesn't matter from where we belong what similarities or differences we have, one thing is certain to be common in all of us, we want to be SUCCESSFUL. Who doesn't want to achieve all the great heights, see all the bright lights, taste the feat of calling ourselves as a successful person in this life DON'T YOU?
The stories of great man & woman are a source of inspiration that could guide in the pursuit of making our own life a successful one but let me ask you to wait for a minute give you simple question to answer WHAT IS SUCCESS?
Think deeply, what comes to your mind? Is it a rich person who you can call as Successful? Or is it the one with countless awards & degrees from big institutions? Or Is it the person who has influenced millions of lives who should be considered as Successful?
We know that all of those with such great achievements are Successful yes, they are but have we arrived at the meaning of "Success"?
The simplest answer to this question of great impact is "It's all in your mind".
The society has made success as the name of some big achievement and only when you get to those big achievements then you could be called successful but the truth is anyone could be called as such when s /he fulfils his/her inner desires.
According to Spiritual Guru, Writer & Mystic Sadhguru
Success and failure is not what volumes of money flowing into your life.
Success and Failure are NOT DEPENDENT upon the recognition that a person finds in the world; one is successful with life if s/he knows how to walk with joy through hell.
This is quite certain that you can do with less food,
smaller house, smaller car or walking is great, you know.
Sadhguru during one of his speech said with the help of an example that In the newspaper, he read that a person has celebrated his
100th birthday, media asked him, ‘what is the source of his health and
well-being’ because he was still strong and good. That person said, ‘he is a walk-king.’ he put a hyphen in walking and said,
"I’m a walk-king."
Because every day he walks; "100, & I am still
This suggests to us that your failure could be a blessing if
you see the positive side of its impact. Don’t be against your own
What a person must learn is the fact that there is no such
thing as failure. In easy words, Failure is just an idea which also means
that success is nothing more than a weird idea itself.
Sadhguru went on to say that It’s your idea what is a
success and what is a failure. so Instead of trying to change the world change
your idea.
Isn't it easier?
If you modify your understanding of what success and failure
are then everything gets reshaped, life becomes better, isn't it?
Think for a moment, if you were a beggar on the street,
today if you could walk into the restaurant, have a nice meal and pay some
money. This would be the best thing happened in your life, just say that could be the peak of
your success. Isn't it so?
So you’ve gotten trapped in social situations and it is not
even your idea.
Is It somebody’s idea then what success is exactly?
It is highly adviced that you must ensure yourself of not becoming a slave to somebody’s idea; at least build your own idea. with your own perspective.
Actually, you might be surprised to read this but here is
another fact which you must keep in mind to stop deceiving yourself.
Every idea, thought, emotion and every value that we possess
is taken from somewhere and it dominates us from within; Our religion, Our
society even Our culture has trained us to believe that this is it.
So first and foremost success is that you are not a slave to
anybody’s idea.
Whatever the situation of life, when you are alive then that
means you are successful, This is a
success; you are alive.
What makes your life not successful, or less successful is
You not being able to realise the value of life.
We are crying about the materialistic life which is just
shine or the glitz of our world but we fail to understand what life is &
how precious it is.
Because of the things a person doesn't possess in the form of some objects
or material, s/he claims the life has no value.
There is no such thing (the meaning of success what we learn from others), these are all made by our
imagination you could term it as "social things", These are not existential
things. We created the society for our well-being, not to take our lives or
make us feel down. We create our family, our social structure and every other
thing for our good living, not to take life but to support life.
Now anything can take your life. Beware not to get trapped
in the things that you create, things that other human beings create that seems
larger than your life (getting deceived). That is the basis of your suffering. If you can have the self-discipline you will realise that your life is a successful, prosperous one
& if you fail to put your mindset in the right order then misery is there
to greet you.
After digesting what success is, How about learning the ways which will lead you in the path to achieving those dreams you have created?
Earl Nightingale said it takes only a little time each day & five days a week which brings results out of all proportion of the time spent.
For a moment consider the things your mind has brought you simply everything you have,
your work, your relationship with your family and others. Your philosophy of
life all come to view is a result of using your mind.
Consider the estimate made by experts, you have probably been
operating on less than 10% of your mental capacities or much less. Great man subscribed to the hypothesis that we humans are using a very small fraction of our capacities.
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Quote by Earl Nightingale |
According to this Incredible hypothesis, the ultimate creative capacity of the human brain may be for all practical
purposes. They pointed out that man is a vast storehouse of data but we have not learned how to program ourselves to utilize
these data for problem-solving purposes. An eminent Soviet writer says a man
under average conditions of working life, use only a small part of his thinking
equipment, if he were able to force the brain to work at only half of its the capacity
- he could without any difficulty whatever, can learn 40 languages
- could easily memorize the large Soviet encyclopedia from cover to cover
- complete the required courses of dozens of colleges
This whole statement is hardly an exaggeration it is the generally accepted theoretical view of man's mental potentialities.
How can we tap the gigantic potential is a big and very complex problem with many unwelcome
consequences but it is clear that person who lives close to the capacity, who
continue to activate their potential have a pronounced sense of well-being and
considerable energy. they see themselves as leading purposeful and creative
If we consider for a moment what it will mean to us and our
family if we can increase this percentage. no one, as a rule, has slightest the notion of the extreme capabilities of this mind but it is safe to believe when our mind can be compared to an undiscovered goldmine and it makes no difference for the young or old to look
at it this way, we need to remember that our goal is in the future,
For us as humans the problem is to fill the void which exists between where we are now and the goal we want to reach - this is a problem to solve.
The reality of life is that successful people are not people
without problems, they're those people who have learned to solve their problems
and there we have it this how to live a successful life. To get the things we
want from life is a matter of solving the problems which stand between where we
are now and the point we wish to reach.
No one is without
problems, they're a part of living but it's stunning how much time we waste in
worrying about the wrong problems is a reliable estimate of the things people
worry about, things that never happen.
- Approx. forty per cent things over and past that can't be changed causes the worry
- thirty per cent of needless is about our health
- twelve per cent miscellaneous worries
- ten per cent real legitimate worries
In short, 92 per cent of the average person's worries take a valuable time cause painful stress even mental anguish which is absolutely unnecessary. Real legitimate worries there are two kinds:
1. the problems which
we can solve and
2. the problems
beyond our ability to personally solve
As per Earle, most of our real problems fall in the first group,
the ones we can solve if we learn to cope with them. Let’s assume we have
decided a goal, then the problem arises is
"how do I achieve it?"
Your goal may be a promotion, greater income, a beautiful home, it makes little difference what your goal happens to be but you have your goal and know that you will become and you will achieve, what you think about that is if you stay with it, you will reach your goal but how?
It's that your mind comes into play "what is in your mind" no one really knows. The best way to describe it is to quote Pulitzer prize-winning playwright Archibald MacLeish depicted in his play by showing the secret of freedom when a character says
that's uncomfortably true, our mind is the one thing that separates us from any other creature on earth.
"how do I achieve it?"
Your goal may be a promotion, greater income, a beautiful home, it makes little difference what your goal happens to be but you have your goal and know that you will become and you will achieve, what you think about that is if you stay with it, you will reach your goal but how?
It's that your mind comes into play "what is in your mind" no one really knows. The best way to describe it is to quote Pulitzer prize-winning playwright Archibald MacLeish depicted in his play by showing the secret of freedom when a character says
The only thing about a man that is a man is his mind everything else you can find in a pig or a horse
that's uncomfortably true, our mind is the one thing that separates us from any other creature on earth.
Anything that comes to us in the future well almost
certainly, come to us as a result of the extent to which we use our minds and
yet it's probably the last place on earth the so-called "average
person" will move up to for help.
Human knowledge has
advanced more in the past 70 - 80 years compared to all the preceding ten thousand years
of human civilization, of all the scientists who ever lived, it's estimated that
90% of them who are active claims humans have reached in the area of ideas and advancement of
significant-high which was undreamed-of by even the most optimistic forecasters
as recently as a few years ago but every new idea triggers additional ideas so
that now we're in an era of compounding advancement on every part and in every
area that staggers the imagination.
Dr. holo Shapley of Harvard has said that we're entering an entirely new age of man he calls it the psychos sowing age "the age of the mind" and you own one free and clear. If we look at a few facts now the average working person has it is just supposed to an enormous amount of free time in fact if you were to equate total hours in a year and subtract the sleeping hours if he sleeps eight hours every night, you find there are almost 6,000 waking hours of which he spends less than 2,000 on the job.
Dr. holo Shapley of Harvard has said that we're entering an entirely new age of man he calls it the psychos sowing age "the age of the mind" and you own one free and clear. If we look at a few facts now the average working person has it is just supposed to an enormous amount of free time in fact if you were to equate total hours in a year and subtract the sleeping hours if he sleeps eight hours every night, you find there are almost 6,000 waking hours of which he spends less than 2,000 on the job.
Now, this lives in 4,000 hours a year when he's neither working nor sleeping these can be called discretionary hours with which we can do pretty much as we please. Our minds are free now so you can see the amazing results in your life. Earle recommended that you take just one hour a day, five days a week and devote this hour to exercising the mind.
- One hour every day take a completely blank sheet of paper, at the top of the page write what is your present primary goal in simple words
- since our future depends upon the way in which we handle our work, write down as many ideas that you can for improving that.
- you now do try to think of 20 possible ways in which the activity that fills your day can be improved you won't always get 20 but even one idea is good,
now remember two important points with regard to this one this is not particularly easy and to
most of your ideas won't be any good and when it said it's not
easy this means it's like starting any new habit at first, you'll find your mind a little reluctant to be hauled up and
out of the old familiar rut but as you think about your work and ways in which it might be improved
Some of your ideas will be good and worth testing. The most important thing this extra hour accomplishes, however, is that it deeply embeds your goal in your subconscious state, the mind starts the whole vital machinery working. 20 ideas a day if you come up with, that many total a hundred a week even if you don't think on weekends an hour a day five days a week totals 260 hours a year and still leaves you three thousand seven hundred and forty hours of free leisure time.
Now, this means you'll be thinking about your goal and ways of improving your performance, increasing your service and most importantly you have four extra working weeks a year, six and a half 40-hour weeks devoted to thinking and planning. Can you see how easy it is to rise above the so-called competition and will still leave you with fifteen hours a day to spend as you please starting each day thinking you will find that your mind will continue to work all-day long.
You'll find it at odd moments when you least expect, really great ideas will be pop into your mind and when they do write them down as soon as you can because just one great idea can completely revolutionize your work and as a result your life. If you want to develop the muscles of your body and take the daily exercise of some sort well, the mind is developed in the same way except that returns out of all conceivable proportion.
It's like spending five hours a week digging in a solid vein of pure gold because your mind is capable of such brilliance and much more when each time you write your goal at the top of the paper. Just not to worry or become concerned about it, a person must think of it as only "waiting to be reached a problem" which is there only waiting to be solved. Face it with Faith and Bend all the great powers of your mind toward solving it and believe it in solving it.
- write down every idea that pops into your mind no matter how absurd it might seem
Some of your ideas will be good and worth testing. The most important thing this extra hour accomplishes, however, is that it deeply embeds your goal in your subconscious state, the mind starts the whole vital machinery working. 20 ideas a day if you come up with, that many total a hundred a week even if you don't think on weekends an hour a day five days a week totals 260 hours a year and still leaves you three thousand seven hundred and forty hours of free leisure time.
Now, this means you'll be thinking about your goal and ways of improving your performance, increasing your service and most importantly you have four extra working weeks a year, six and a half 40-hour weeks devoted to thinking and planning. Can you see how easy it is to rise above the so-called competition and will still leave you with fifteen hours a day to spend as you please starting each day thinking you will find that your mind will continue to work all-day long.
You'll find it at odd moments when you least expect, really great ideas will be pop into your mind and when they do write them down as soon as you can because just one great idea can completely revolutionize your work and as a result your life. If you want to develop the muscles of your body and take the daily exercise of some sort well, the mind is developed in the same way except that returns out of all conceivable proportion.
It's like spending five hours a week digging in a solid vein of pure gold because your mind is capable of such brilliance and much more when each time you write your goal at the top of the paper. Just not to worry or become concerned about it, a person must think of it as only "waiting to be reached a problem" which is there only waiting to be solved. Face it with Faith and Bend all the great powers of your mind toward solving it and believe it in solving it.
Now, in short, you can start the upcoming week by spending one hour each day getting as many ideas as you can, try it for twenty a day on ways to improve what you're now doing. If everything you now have as a result of using say five to ten per cent of your mental abilities you can imagine what life will be like if you can increase this figure to twenty per cent or more.
The successful people are not people without problems, they're simply people who've learned to solve their problems. Not wasting time and energy worrying about needless things
- forty per cent of them will never happen
- thirty per cent have already happened and can't be changed
- twelve per cent and needless worries about our health
- ten per cent of petty miscellaneous worries and
- only eight per cent of real.
Try to separate the real from the unnecessary and solve those which are within your ability to solve. The most important of all the things in this world that can take you to your goals in life is your mind it's effective use and following through on the good ideas it supplies you. Each of us has a tendency to underestimate his or felonies, we should realize that we have deep within ourselves a reservoir of great ability even genius can be tapped if we'll just dig deep enough it's the miracle of your mind.
Bob Proctor, a highly influential speaker & personal development trainer says till 26, he never understood what success was. Success isn't about getting there, success is making a decision that you're going to get there and move toward it. Success is then the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.
I'm here I know I'm here and I know I'm going to get there I don't know how I'm going to get there but I know I'm going to get there
See the Wright brothers were successful when they made up their mind that they were going to get the plane off the ground. They weren't successful when they got it off the ground but they were successful the moment they decided they were going to get it off the ground, you know where you're going have you made up your mind you're going to get there you don't have to know "how", the how will be showing as you go towards it you won't know how to get there until after the fact it's in retrospect that we see the path we chose that's a very important thing.
The above example of Wright Brothers clearly underlines the Importance of Mindset & Decisiveness on achieving your goals. Coming to the Philosophical side of Humans & their Approach for Success
Here's Jordan Peterson putting some light on People, Society & Modern World
If you take people and you expose them voluntarily to things that they are avoiding and are afraid of, you know that they realise that they need to overcome hurdles in order to meet their goals - their self-defined goals.
So you might ask yourself if for ten years you didn't avoid doing what you knew you needed to do by the depth, by your own definitions right within the value structure that you've created to the degree, that you've done than what would you be like.
There are those outstanding people who come into the world from time to time and there are people who do find out over long periods of time what they could be like. So you could say well in part perhaps the reason that you're suffering unbearably can be left at your feet because you're not that figure which you could be and you know it, of course, that's a terrible thing to admit and it's a terrible thing to consider but there's real promise in it right because it shows there's another way that you could look at the world & in a number of other ways that you could act in the world so,
what it would reflect back to you would be much better than what it reflects back to you now and then the second part, imagine that many people did that because as human beings we've done a lot of remarkable things for example about 250,000
people will be lifted out of abject poverty, people are getting lifted out of poverty collectively at a faster rate that's ever occurred in the history of humankind by a huge margin and that's been going on unbelievably quickly since the year 2000.
There's inequality developing in many places and you hear lots of political agitation about that but overall the tide is lifting everyone out and that's a great thing. We have no idea how fast we can grow if people got their act together and really aimed at it.
Mr Peterson says that often asking to undergraduates "how many hours a day they waste or how many hours a week they waste" -
The classic answer was something like four to six hours a day, you know inefficient studying watching things on YouTube that's not only you not want to watch but you don't even care about makes you feel horrible about watching after you're done.
That's probably four hours right there, well that's twenty to twenty-five hours a week, it's a hundred hours a month that's two and a half full work week which makes it half a year of work weeks per year.
If we assume your time is worth twenty dollars an hour & you're wasting 20 hours a week, then that if we equate you're wasting fifty thousand dollars a year and doing that right now. Given you're young, wasting fifty thousand dollars a year is a way bigger catastrophe than it would be for an aged person to waste it because s/he is not gonna last nearly as long and so if your life isn't everything it could be you could ask yourself
"What would happen if you stop wasting the opportunities that are in front of you?"
No one knows how much more efficient, maybe 10 or 20 times more efficient. that's the Pareto Distribution
wait a minute, did you ask "What is Pareto Distribution?"
Pareto distribution is used in representing the social, geophysical & scientific phenomena in our society. Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist and sociologist created a mathematical formula in the early 20th century which described the inequalities in wealth distribution that existed in his native country of Italy.
Now, Let's come back to the remaining part of Jordan Peterson lessons
It's hard to form any idea how efficient efficient people get, this is completely off the charts and if we all can get our act together collectively and stop making things worse because that's another thing people do all the time not only do they not do what they should to make things better they continuously attempt to make things worse because they're spiteful or resentful or arrogant or deceitful or genocidal.
There's this weird dynamic which is a part of the existential system of ideas between human vulnerability & social judgment, both of which are our major causes of suffering. The failure of individuals to adopt the responsibility which they know that they should adopt but unable to do so creates more trouble which adds up to their self-doubt of becoming a successful person.
When there is the question of "What is Conscience?"
Then the answer we get is that it's the feeling or voice you have in your head just before you do. Something that you know is a deviation which might make you feel that probably you shouldn't do that thing. It's not required to listen to it but strangely enough, you go ahead and do it anyway.
Then of course exactly what the conscience told you was going to happen inevitably so you feel even more strange about it. the silly thing is that conscience operates within us but we fail to understand what that exactly is.
Impact of Social & Personal Relationships
You might ask yourself what are the possibilities if you had followed your conscience for five years or for ten years, what sort of position might you be in, what type of family you would be with, what type of relationship might you able to form and you could be pretty sure that a relationship which is formed on the status of who you actually are will be having more solidity and more welcoming than one that's created on the status of who you aren't.
Now, of course, that means that person you're with has to deal with the full force of you in all your ability and your catastrophe which is a very difficult thing to negotiate but if you do negotiate it well, it is no doubt a solid stage to stand and you have somewhere to live, you have a real-life and it's a great basis upon which to bring children into the world for example,
When you can have a true relationship with them, in place of any torture, which is what happens tremendously in many cases. Well, it's more than that too because it isn't merely that your fate depends on whether or not you get your act together and to what degree you decide that you're going to live out on your own genuine being, it's the fate of everyone that you've networked with.
There are seven billion people in the world & soon we're going to be at around nine billion and
then it'll decline rapidly but seven billion people in the world and who you think you are?
As per words of Mr Peterson, You're nothing more than one tiny dust mote among that seven billion and so it doesn't matter individually what you do or don't do if we look carefully then it's easy to observe that we at the centre of a network you're a node in a network, of course, that's even more real.
Today we have social media, you have a fair idea that you know a thousand people at least over the course of your life and they'll know a thousand people each if not more and that puts you, one person, away from a million and two persons away from a billion and so that's how we're all connected and the things people do there is like dropping a stone in a pond, in reaction to that it's similar to the happening of ripples moving outward and they affect things in such ways that you can't fully analyze. It basically means that the things that you do or simply say we do and that we don't do are far more important than we actually think.
Here's Jordan Peterson putting some light on People, Society & Modern World
If you take people and you expose them voluntarily to things that they are avoiding and are afraid of, you know that they realise that they need to overcome hurdles in order to meet their goals - their self-defined goals.
If it's possible for one to teach people how to stand up against the things they're afraid of, they get stronger and you have no idea to what level they will reach as we just can't measure someone's abilities
So you might ask yourself if for ten years you didn't avoid doing what you knew you needed to do by the depth, by your own definitions right within the value structure that you've created to the degree, that you've done than what would you be like.
There are those outstanding people who come into the world from time to time and there are people who do find out over long periods of time what they could be like. So you could say well in part perhaps the reason that you're suffering unbearably can be left at your feet because you're not that figure which you could be and you know it, of course, that's a terrible thing to admit and it's a terrible thing to consider but there's real promise in it right because it shows there's another way that you could look at the world & in a number of other ways that you could act in the world so,
what it would reflect back to you would be much better than what it reflects back to you now and then the second part, imagine that many people did that because as human beings we've done a lot of remarkable things for example about 250,000
people will be lifted out of abject poverty, people are getting lifted out of poverty collectively at a faster rate that's ever occurred in the history of humankind by a huge margin and that's been going on unbelievably quickly since the year 2000.
There's inequality developing in many places and you hear lots of political agitation about that but overall the tide is lifting everyone out and that's a great thing. We have no idea how fast we can grow if people got their act together and really aimed at it.
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Quote by Jordan Peterson |
Mr Peterson says that often asking to undergraduates "how many hours a day they waste or how many hours a week they waste" -
The classic answer was something like four to six hours a day, you know inefficient studying watching things on YouTube that's not only you not want to watch but you don't even care about makes you feel horrible about watching after you're done.
That's probably four hours right there, well that's twenty to twenty-five hours a week, it's a hundred hours a month that's two and a half full work week which makes it half a year of work weeks per year.
If we assume your time is worth twenty dollars an hour & you're wasting 20 hours a week, then that if we equate you're wasting fifty thousand dollars a year and doing that right now. Given you're young, wasting fifty thousand dollars a year is a way bigger catastrophe than it would be for an aged person to waste it because s/he is not gonna last nearly as long and so if your life isn't everything it could be you could ask yourself
"What would happen if you stop wasting the opportunities that are in front of you?"
No one knows how much more efficient, maybe 10 or 20 times more efficient. that's the Pareto Distribution
wait a minute, did you ask "What is Pareto Distribution?"
Pareto distribution is used in representing the social, geophysical & scientific phenomena in our society. Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist and sociologist created a mathematical formula in the early 20th century which described the inequalities in wealth distribution that existed in his native country of Italy.
Pareto while reading the situation in Italy found that 80% of the country’s wealth was handled by only 20% of the population. Today the theory is followed in a number of disciplines for example productivity, populations, incomes and many other calculative forms. Pareto distribution is used to highlight that the level of inputs and outputs when compared is not always equal.
Now, Let's come back to the remaining part of Jordan Peterson lessons
It's hard to form any idea how efficient efficient people get, this is completely off the charts and if we all can get our act together collectively and stop making things worse because that's another thing people do all the time not only do they not do what they should to make things better they continuously attempt to make things worse because they're spiteful or resentful or arrogant or deceitful or genocidal.
There's this weird dynamic which is a part of the existential system of ideas between human vulnerability & social judgment, both of which are our major causes of suffering. The failure of individuals to adopt the responsibility which they know that they should adopt but unable to do so creates more trouble which adds up to their self-doubt of becoming a successful person.
When there is the question of "What is Conscience?"
Then of course exactly what the conscience told you was going to happen inevitably so you feel even more strange about it. the silly thing is that conscience operates within us but we fail to understand what that exactly is.
Impact of Social & Personal Relationships
You might ask yourself what are the possibilities if you had followed your conscience for five years or for ten years, what sort of position might you be in, what type of family you would be with, what type of relationship might you able to form and you could be pretty sure that a relationship which is formed on the status of who you actually are will be having more solidity and more welcoming than one that's created on the status of who you aren't.
Now, of course, that means that person you're with has to deal with the full force of you in all your ability and your catastrophe which is a very difficult thing to negotiate but if you do negotiate it well, it is no doubt a solid stage to stand and you have somewhere to live, you have a real-life and it's a great basis upon which to bring children into the world for example,
When you can have a true relationship with them, in place of any torture, which is what happens tremendously in many cases. Well, it's more than that too because it isn't merely that your fate depends on whether or not you get your act together and to what degree you decide that you're going to live out on your own genuine being, it's the fate of everyone that you've networked with.
There are seven billion people in the world & soon we're going to be at around nine billion and
then it'll decline rapidly but seven billion people in the world and who you think you are?
As per words of Mr Peterson, You're nothing more than one tiny dust mote among that seven billion and so it doesn't matter individually what you do or don't do if we look carefully then it's easy to observe that we at the centre of a network you're a node in a network, of course, that's even more real.
Today we have social media, you have a fair idea that you know a thousand people at least over the course of your life and they'll know a thousand people each if not more and that puts you, one person, away from a million and two persons away from a billion and so that's how we're all connected and the things people do there is like dropping a stone in a pond, in reaction to that it's similar to the happening of ripples moving outward and they affect things in such ways that you can't fully analyze. It basically means that the things that you do or simply say we do and that we don't do are far more important than we actually think.
So when you act at the moment of realization of the terror that is where things actually start to matter what you do. You could think that's better than living a meaningless existence, it's better for it to matter but if you really ask yourself would you be so sure if you had the choice
The thing is that nothing matters or we can reverse it which means everything matters but then we have to take the responsibility that's associated with the situation. It's not so obvious for a person that people would take the meaningful path now when you say nihilist (one who thinks life is meaningless) suffered dreadfully because there's no meaning in their life, they still suffer but the advantage for them is that they have no responsibility so that's the payoff and probably that's the motivation.
"To live with no responsibility whatsoever the price one pays"
The thing is that nothing matters or we can reverse it which means everything matters but then we have to take the responsibility that's associated with the situation. It's not so obvious for a person that people would take the meaningful path now when you say nihilist (one who thinks life is meaningless) suffered dreadfully because there's no meaning in their life, they still suffer but the advantage for them is that they have no responsibility so that's the payoff and probably that's the motivation.
Mr Peterson quotes
Which he claims a pretty good choice all things considered, especially when one of the options is to handle your burden properly and to live in a straightforward manner in the world. There is a famous example which describes the following "if you live a pathological life you pathologize your society and if enough people do that then it's hell really".
"You have the option of taking the road of the martyr"
Which he claims a pretty good choice all things considered, especially when one of the options is to handle your burden properly and to live in a straightforward manner in the world. There is a famous example which describes the following "if you live a pathological life you pathologize your society and if enough people do that then it's hell really".
It's truly amazing how our decisions could decide so much about what we are going to face the next moment, the next day or simply put it like this - we decide our own outcomes. The choices we have must be analyzed because once we decide & go through our decision then it's irreversible, we have to live with it. Must learn to accept things without arguing much just like Earl Nightingale said one of the major of our worries is the things that can't be changed by anyone. By changing your thoughts & believing in the power of conscience, you can see wonders happening in your life, that's the reason why Jordan Peterson has used such strong especially advising the youth.
Now if we analyze briefly, then we have come across the definition of Success & How to view it as your own version without any influence from the external world. Learnt the ways how to go about your activities which could take you to the higher stage of life & then we arrived at how the society, our own beliefs & actions we take shapes our life either in the road where we want to see ourselves or drags us to that path which is filled despair & misery.
After all the analysis, why not roll back the time & see the world through the perspective of an Iconic Roman Emperor on
What it takes to be Successful in Life?
The Words of Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius, A Roman emperor & a firm believer in Stoicism formed a series of autobiographical writings which are at present time known as the Meditations. Here he provided many key insights related to living a successful life.
1. Must Accept the Sacrifices
According to Marcus Aurelius "Success requires some kind of sacrifice".
In simple terms, it's not possible to gain something for nothing. The world works in a way where you must invest in the right place to gain something you desire. If you don't make the required sacrifices to achieve your targets and objectives, then you will not able to create that environment you need to get your desired outcomes.
- Giving up on certain things could come as money, energy, time or energy depending on the situation & demand.
- Most probably one of these things has to be sacrificed, or maybe a combination of these things in order to get to your goal.
- Life is a long game and you need to sacrifice short-term pleasures for long-term success.
- You will have to endure pain and hardship without a grumble. You have to get your heads down, focus on what’s within your control, and shut out the rest.
2. Importance of Giving
Marcus Aurelius had a deep belief that each one of us has a purpose; something we were created for.
We’re are born unique, different gifts, passions, and purposes which different when compared to an individual wise. The only thing we need is to realise and understand how to share our gift with others because we will then only get all we want in life. if we manage to help other people get what they want.
- All of our dreams can become a reality as long as we can help enough of those around us get to their personal peaks.
- If we can change it from me to us then it will be no surprise when our career, and life, become amazingly successful.
- Become a Value Creator. The real concern in society today is that people are way more focused on themselves than to care about the needs of others.
- If your aim is to be successful then do the little things with great passion and higher excellence.
- Give your best - to each of today’s pursuits - and then go farther. It is easy to observe that the more value you can create for others, the more value they will return to you.
3. Narrow Your Focus
As Marcus Aurelius put it “Ask Yourself At Every Moment – Is this necessary?”
We have a limited amount of time and energy to achieve our goals each day. Yet, more times than not, we spread ourselves thin by chasing too many goals all at once.
As a result, we get easily distracted, lose focus and fail to consistently follow-through on our plans.
We need to learn to say no to things that are not necessary.
- No matter what happens, you must not allow fewer priority things get the attention (unless there is a case of exception which you need to realise through your perspective) from you until you've succeeded with your top goals.
- Prioritizing, and then limiting yourself to just five goals, ensures that you’re magnifying the effectiveness of your time and energy.
4. Set Your Discipline in stone
In the words of Marcus Aurelius "Labour willingly and diligently, undistracted and aware of the common interest”.
Discipline is the primary action, mindset and philosophy helps to be in a routine and making progress towards whatever one is pursuing.
The discipline Action consists of three elements:
1) Taking action.
2) Doing things with a purpose.
3) Doing the right things for the right reasons.
- Becoming distressed, or getting intimidated by small things rapidly is terrible for discipline.
- You have a goal, you’re working and then thoughts and distress about something external, which isn’t in your control, de-rails you.
- The best decision you can take in such scenarios is to apply Epictetus’ dichotomy of control. Reinforce to yourself what is within your control and what is out of your control; if you embrace what is out of your control and accept it, you will experience tranquillity.
The idea of the dichotomy of control as proposed by Epictetus
Epictetus writes in his opening lines of his handbook, some things are in our control and some other things are not in our control. Our opinion, pursuit, desire aversion and in a word whatever are our own actions, are the things we have control over. Happenings which are not in control could be our reputation, command and in a word whatever are not our actions.
Basically, it means we need to focus on what we have influence over. Having the characteristics that we talk about for example being more charismatic, being perhaps funnier, be more kind that's within your control, something you can focus not the result. The result comes as a byproduct of your focus on what's in your control.
- Be disciplined, and take control over your impulses and poor instincts. Direct your actions to what you aim to accomplish and settle for nothing less.
5. Ruthlessly protect your Time
Marcus Aurelius says not to think that there is a number of years ahead of you & emphasised on the value of time.
It's a truth that Death overshadows you.
when you’re alive and able - be wise.”
There is the quote “time is money.” which we may not like.
- You need to see time like money. - It's easy to say but difficult for many to implement though it's something we must implement in order to achieve any of our desires.
- Be more cautious about how you spend on hours.
Ask Why?
- You can get more money in this life. But you can’t get more time.
- In today's life, there are countless obstacles in our days: unexpected visitors, chats online or offline, yes of course when we talk online then there is a world of distraction which you need to be wary of.
- There are people who are always ready to consume others time with no good purpose if they have any, so you can call it as almost countless.
- What separates successful people from extremely successful people is that they say no to the majority of everything."
- Because when you say no, you're protecting your time and your energy to focus on the big and important items in your life.
6. Find The Right Situation
Marcus Aurelius wisely advises “Not to waste what is left of your life discussing about your other people, unless there is a view to some mutual benefit.
- The truth is you are the average of the people you spend the most time with.
- This could remind you of your elders' warning & advising you when you to not to spend time with those kids who are involved in unethical activities.
- Consciously consider whom you allow into your life. You can start analysing about the people you meet and spend time with: ask yourself
Are they making me better?
Do they fill me with positivity to push forward?
Or do they pull me down to lower level?
7. Live Below your Means
Marcus Aurelius says “What's left to be prized?
To limit our activities or action to only what's in keeping with the needs for which we are aiming or preparing for... it's what the exertions of education and teachings are all about — here is the thing to be weighed and prized”
- It's not because those following it are cheap men. It's because the things that matter to them are cheap.
- Their lifestyle is the result of prioritizing.
- They manage to put their interests in such an order that are decidedly below their financial capabilities and as a result, irrespective of income levels they would have the freedom to pursue the things they most care about.
- Such clarity on what they desire to achieve in the world means they can enjoy life without much hassle which for a common man is a big headache (the hassle to live a joyful life). It means they'd still be happy even if the markets were to turn or their careers were made short by injury.
The more things we desire to achieve and the more we have to do to earn or maintain those achievements, the less we actually enjoy our lives — and the less free we are.
“Don't Waste more time arguing & talking about what or how a good man is like. Be One.”
The major issue with most of us is that we either over-analyze things or overthink on many occasions which totally degrade our stand on achieving something brilliant.
What should I wear to look good?
Will they help me?
Am I eating well enough?
What's next for me in life?
Is my boss happy with my work?
We simply don't stop our mind from chattering about what we want to do, but most of the time never really ‘step up’ and do anything.
- There is no need to talk and talk about what one should be, just do. In the end, people will not remember you for what you said you would do, but for what you actually accomplished.
- We need to simplify and focus just on what's in front of us. We don't need to get lost in a thousand other distractions or in other people's business.
- Set goals for yourself and accomplish them because there is no point in saying you’ll do something if you don’t really mean it.
- When someone says they will do something or be someone and actually accomplish that they become respected by their peers. Those people are someone you can count on.
9. Constantly Adapt and Learn from Failure
Marcus Aurelius advises us “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way”.
- Every obstacle faced is an opportunity to advance your next action. What stands in the way becomes the way.
- Obstacles are uncomfortable, stressful, and can be scary. Sometimes it can feel so overwhelming that you’re not sure how to keep going.
- We fail because most of us do the same thing over and over again but expect a different result. We tell ourselves that today we won't get angry, or overeat, - but then don't actually do anything differently. We try the same routine and hope it will work this time.
- Failure is a part of life we have little choice over. Taking lessons from failure is optional and purely depends on your willingness to grow
- We have to choose to learn. We must consciously decide or at least learn to do things differently — to modify and change until we reach that point where the desired results are achieved.
10. Life should be Centered On Principles, without the thought of Wealth, Awards, Family or Power.
Anything which is related to goodness then we should be proud of it.
When Marcus was made emperor, he shared his power by naming step-brother Lucius Verus as co-emperor. He did not need to do this. but according to his belief, it was the right thing to do.
And in his life journey, he followed his own advice about success and loss without overthinking on them.
As a true follower of Stoicism, he regarded both success and failure as the same & real resistance to the seduction of external events.
- In the same manner, we must ensure wealth & achievements doesn’t change us when experiencing success
- We need to maintain that wise character despite all the shine & good things happening to us.
It could be that you have worked hard, you made some genius predictions and here you have arrived at the big stage of, success.
Maybe someone made an expensive business deal with you.
Maybe you have gained a good profit in the stock market.
But remember Humility is the antidote.
It is the required element to add in good times when we are enjoying success and filled with positivity.
The reality is that we're all guilty of overthinking, we know it all.
The reality is that we're all guilty of overthinking, we know it all.
- Irrespective of how smart or successful as we may be, there is always someone somewhere who is more supreme smarter, more successful, and better than we are.
- These qualities could be easily identifiable with many successful people who are humble and actively solicit feedback and learn from anybody they meet.
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